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15 May, 2013
Angeles Wealth Management - Quarterly Review
Global equities, as measured by the All Country World Index/Investable Market Index (MSCIrnACWI IMI) advanced 6.9% in the first quarter of 2013. US stocks, represented by the S&P 500rnIndex, rallied 10.6%, besting the World Index.
15 May, 2013
Angeles Investment Advisors Hires Consultant
Angeles Investment Advisors, LLC announced today the hiring of Susan Yun Lee as Private Markets Consultant.
1 Apr, 2013
Elizabethan England was an era of plots and intrigue, chivalrous knights and swashbuckling pirates. The many domestic conspiracies and foreign wars of the 16th century were nominally about religion, but were, of course, really about power...
1 Jan, 2013
Filskov is a small, rural village in the geographic center of Denmark. For generations, sons followed their fathers into the family farm or craft, and in Filskov, the Christiansens were the town's carpenters for as long as anyone could remember.
1 Dec, 2012
Angeles Wealth Management - Quarterly Review
US stocks, as measured by the S&P 500 Index, fell .4% in the final quarter of the year as Washington remained paralyzed, teetering on the edge of the fiscal cliff. Without Congressional action, more than $600 billion in tax increases and huge...
1 Oct, 2012
Angeles Wealth Management - Quarterly Review
There can be several interpretations of the above lyrics and their relevance (or lack thereof) to the current world economic conditions. My interpretation is that the European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve continue to tell us that they...
1 Oct, 2012
Aretaeus was the most renowned physician of the ancient world, following in the path of Hippocrates, who lived 400 years earlier. Aretaeus' treatise on diseases, which survives to this day, is a remarkably comprehensive catalog of known diseases...
19 Jul, 2012
Angeles Investment Advisors Hires Manager Research Professional
Angeles Investment Advisors, LLC announced today the hiring of Aaron Azelton as Manager Research Consultant.
1 Jul, 2012
Angeles Wealth Management - Quarterly Review
For the second quarter of 2012, world markets remained imprisoned by the ongoing saga of the European debt crisis. Concerns about the fiscal stability of the PIIGSÂ (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain) continued to cast a dark shadow over...
1 Jul, 2012
Richard Wagner wrote his monumental work, Der Ring des Nibelungen, over a 26-year period, 1848-1874. The Ring cycle consists of four operas, usually performed over four consecutive nights. Everything about the Ring is colossal, from...
8 May, 2012
Umbrella Policies Fill In Some Gaps
"The thing I find most interesting about this is that it doesn't matter whose fault it is," said Jonathan R. Foster, chief executive of Angeles Wealth Management in Santa Monica, Calif. "If someone dies in a car accident and it's your fault..."
1 Apr, 2012
Saint Louis was a booming town in the mid-19th century, the gateway to the American west. Henry and Charlotte were a typical young couple in this dynamic era: energetic, hard-working, raising a family. Henry's father was a Unitarian minister...
1 Jan, 2012
Four to five hundred years ago, feudal Japan was wracked with internal wars. It was the SengokurnPeriod of warring states, a 150-year span of near-continuous strife as various groups fought for dominance throughout the archipelago.
1 Jul, 2011
Eddie was born in St. Louis in 1893 to first generation Irish-American parents. He married at the age of 19, and the first of his three children, Eddie, Jr., was born the following year. Working in his wife's family grocery...
1 Jul, 2011
Glory is, perhaps, the trait with which the French people most identify. It abounds at Versailles, for example, which immortalizes not so much Louis XIV, as it does his glory. Americans have our battle cry of freedom, and proclaim liberty or death...
1 Apr, 2011
Carbon. It's the fourth most abundant element in the universe, second in our bodies only to oxygen, and the only element present in every known form of life in the universe. No carbon, no life.
2 Feb, 2011
Angeles Investment Advisors Admits New Member
Angeles Investment Advisors announced today that effective 1 January 2011, Stephen T. Smetana was admitted as a new member of the company. Angeles is now wholly owned by eight employees.
1 Jan, 2011
4th Quarter 2010 - Pox
Blossom was a cow.Nothing special, really, just a cow of the ancient breed of Gloucesters, prized for their excellent milk and cheese. Extracting this precious liquid was, for millennia, tedious, hard work. Before the advent of mechanical milking...
1 Oct, 2010
3rd Quarter - Chosin
Staring into the abyss, facing total collapse. A bold, even reckless, action to avoid disaster. An advance, and apparent victory. But a sudden turn of events, a wall of opposition, the recoveryrnis halted. And then reversed.
1 Jul, 2010
2nd Quarter 2010 - Dam
American mythology is filled with epic stories of heroic men (and women) who forged a great nation through sheer determination: adventurers and tinkerers, who tamed and then shaped a wildrnand virgin continent, and in the process, created...
1 Apr, 2010
1st Quarter 2010 - One
Near Granada, capital of Andalucia in southern Spain, sits the Alhambra, literally, red palace, one of the most extraordinary edifices in the world. It is a paramount exemplar of the superlative design and decoration of Moorish architecture...
1 Jan, 2010
4th Quarter 2009 - Apology
It was a time of political tensions, when the resilience, even the very existence, of democratic societyrnwas being severely tested, by external threats and internal dissentions. As democracy had flourished, the state and its citizens prospered...
1 Oct, 2009
3rd Quarter 2009 - Wilberforce
Britain's rise as the dominant world power for over four centuries was propelled by two foremost, and complementary factors: its mercantilist economic policies and the preeminence of the Royal Navy. It is moot as to cause-and-effect of these two..
1 Jul, 2009
2nd Quarter 2009 - Marathon
Hellespont, the ancient name for the Dardanelles, the narrow straight that connects the Sea of rn Marmara and the Black Sea with the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, has a strong claim as the true crossroads of the world.